MKL’s ’98 1200C – Sportster Touring Windshield

Side View of the Slipstreamer SS-30 Classic with Eagle leather pouch – 6/99
—-Windshield Impressions—-
–As originally posted to the XL List—
Given my style of riding (very long highway trips), a windshield soon became a necessity. In selecting a shield for my bike back in May 1998, I tried many models, including Harley’s detachable Compact model and National Cycle’s mid-size model. Without exception, they all failed to protect me from horrendous levels of buffeting, which had me dizzy within 1 mile. Finally, I bought Slipstreamer’s SS-30 Classic (about $135).
It is a large shield, at 22″ high, and you look THROUGH it, not over it like most other shields. [NOTE: There is now a 17″ high version available). However, it protects extremely well – relatively no buffeting at all! Sure takes the fatigue factor out of a long trip! Also, although they don’t claim that it’s detachable, I can easily remove it and / or install it (3 allens w/ bolts per side) within 10 minutes flat, and the totally chrome mounting hardware (see above) looks at home on a Harley – unlike the flat black mounting system on the National Cycle w/s. When you take this shield off, the mounting hardware comes off too, giving your bike a clean look when you want it. (RE: Detachable windshields – Do you really want to leave the bike unattended for even one minute knowing that some a**hole could walk off with a $100-300 windshield in the blink of an eye??)
Be advised that the Slipstreamer is Lucite, not Lexan. It is very optically clear compared to some of the other shields I tried. So far, with gentle warm-water cleanings and weekly polishings (1-2 minute chore), no scratches whatsoever to be seen since May 1998. Keep this in mind, though: I ride the Custom Sporty, which had MUCH less to choose from than the standard XLs when it comes to windshields (at least when I was shopping in 1998), so I may be overlooking a better choice for your scoot. [NOTE: HD now has a detachable “Touring” windshield available for “Custom” models which may protect better than the “Compact” model I tried).

Front view of the Slipstreamer SS-30 Classic with Eagle leather pouch – 3/99