MKL’s ’98 1200C – Kuryakyn LED Charging System Gauge 3/03

The LED Gauge (about 2″x3/4″x3/16″) Mounted on the Front Brake Master Cylinder (3/03)
Love & Woodring’s “101 Harley-Davidson Performance Projects for Evolution Big Twins and Sportsters” makes a strong case that most of the problems Harleys experience are electrical in nature. To stem the tide (or at least provide a warning,) this trick little monitor gives the rider a real-time display of the charging system’s output. The gauge has a series of colored LEDs – green for normal output (12.5-14.5 VDC), amber for 10-12.5 VDC, and flashing red for <10 VDC or 15+ VDC. The little window next to the “16 VDC” marking above is a daylight sensor – the LEDs automatically adjust from bright to dim as daylight fades. Mounting was simple – the gauge fits perfectly on the front brake’s master cylinder, and the chrome finish blends right in. Overall, the gauge provides the rider with useful information, in a well finished and easy to mount package. Recommended for the gadget freaks amongst us.